Managing Solvency Ratios in a Volatile Environment under Solvency II,
FSI Seminar on Improving the Resilience of Insurers,
Financial Stability Institute (FSI)
of the Bank for International Settlements
and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,
Basel, Switzerland, 20.03.-22.03.2012
Market-Consistent Valuation of Liabilities,
Seminar on Solvency II and the Insurance Solvency Standards
of the IAIS
(Seminar für Versicherungsaufseher des Financial
Stability Institute der Bank für Internationalen
Basel, Schweiz, 22.02.-24.02.2011.
A Philosophical Foundation of Non-additive Measure and
FUR XI - Paris 2004:
Eleventh International Conference on the Foundations and
Applications of Utility,
Risk and Decision Theory,
Paris, Frankreich, 30.06.-03.07.2004.
Downloads: Slides,
Exact Cooperative Games and their (Sigma-)Core,
Tenth International Conference on the Foundations and
Applications of Utility,
Risk and Decision Theory,
Turin, Italien, 30.05.-02.06.2001.