Professional Experience

Head of Global Risk Aggregation and Methods
10/2012 – today

CFO Risk Management, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE

  • Ensure that an effective risk management framework including risk identification, risk assessment, risk monitoring, and risk reporting) is in place for capital adequacy, market, credit, and reserve risks and assume the independent risk management function for these risk types
  • Recommend and maintain a risk strategy to the Risk Committee, monitor and report on compliance with the risk strategy to the Risk Committee and the Board of Management
  • Ensure that the internal model consistently measures all quantifiable risks and adequately reflects AGCS's risk profile
  • Coordinate the calculation of the risk capital for AGCS and its material subsidiaries according to the internal model (both management and legal view) and the Solvency II standard model and validate the results both quarterly and for planning purposes
  • Quarterly report on AGCS's risk and solvency position including a movement analysis to the Risk Committee
  • Perform own risk and solvency assessments (ORSA) and report on the results to the Risk Committee and the Board of Management
  • Ensure AGCS's compliance with existing and upcoming external (e.g. regulatory) and internal (e.g. Allianz SE) requirements i.r.o. risk management
  • Perform independent methodological reviews e.g. for pricing or reserving
  • Support AGCS's initiatives to improve AGCS's risk-return profile

Senior Risk Communication Manager
03/2010 – 09/2012

Integrated Risk Management (IRM), Munich Re

  • Representing Munich Re resp. IRM in all risk management-related opinion-forming processes, for instance, developing and representing Munich Re’s positions on Solvency II, Global Systemically Important Insurers (G-SII), and ComFrame in international insurance think tanks and national and international lobbying organisations1, and, inter alia, insurance supervisory authorities and the European Commission
  • Coordination of Solvency II activities within IRM
  • Organization (incl. agenda) of internal and external risk management conferences (e.g. CRO Assembly 2012)
  • Communication of risk management topics to internal and external clients (e.g. analysts, investors, and rating agencies)
  • Fostering group-wide cooperation and collaboration of risk management functions

1 CFO Forum, CRO Forum, Insurance Europe (and its Reinsurance Advisory Board), Finanzplatz München Initiative (FPMI) , GDV, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), Pan-European Insurance Forum (PEIF), and The Geneva Association (GA) , to mention the most important ones

Risk Analyst
01/2007 – 02/2010

Integrated Risk Management (IRM), Munich Re

  • Supporting group-wide lobbying activities on Solvency II, e.g. by co-cordination der CRO Forum QIS4 Benchmark Study or by representing Munich Re in the GDV-working groups
  • Coordination of Munich Re's participation in Quantitative Impact Studies; substantial involvement in the coordination and operation of the CRO Forum QIpublications and QIcontact Benchmark Study
  • Conceptual and methodological further development and technical implementation of property/casualty risk modelling and aggregation of Munich Re's Capital Model
  • Coordination and operation of quarterly and annual internal risk capital calculations for Munich Re Group and providing input for the internal Risk Report and rating models
  • Communication of risk management topics to internal and external clients (e.g. CFO Symposion in Singapore in 2008, internal training seminars, personnel marketing activities)

Postdoctoral research associate and teaching assistant
09/2004 – 12/2006

Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich

  • Scientific research on coherent risk measures and capital allocation including scientific publications and conference contributions
  • Writing referee reports for international journals (e.g. Finance and Stochastics) and proceedings
  • Giving the lecture “Mathematical Foundations of Finance” for students in the program “Master of Advanced Studies in Finance” including examinations in three consecutive winter semesters
  • Member of the Program Committee of the “Fourth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and their Applications”, ISIPTA ’05, held at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
  • Organization of the Research Seminar “Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics”, held at ETH Zurich in 2004

Research and teaching assistant
06/2003 – 08/2004

Faculty 3 - Mathematics/Computer Science, University of Bremen

  • Scientific research on coherent risk measures including scientific publications and conference contributions
  • Giving the lecture “Mathematics IV – Complex analysis and Fourier analysis” for students of physics and electrical engineering including examinations in the winter semester 2003/2004
  • Leading a tutorial accompanying the lecture “Insurance Mathematics”
  • Member of the organization team and realization of the “Mathematisches Vorsemesters 2003” for mathematics and science students, University of Bremen, 2003